Alex Mountainman

The blog about reconnecting with your inner child through adventure

Mapping the Footprints Along the Road

“What you desire is not less than what you deserve” (J. Krakauer)

Thus, I look back in an attempt to understand my persona

“Cada momento de busqueda es un momento de encuentro porque cada momento forma parte del sueno de encontrar” (P. Cohelo; “El Alquimista)

And what do I find? I find the little remaining of my Aztec blood in a modern (Mestizo) prehispanic music such as the one that I share in this posting, by Jorge Reyes.

But not just that, I also find other musicians, such as Jean Michel Jarre, to whom I owe, perhaps, my first attractions to electronic art, and of course, Pink Floyd. I remember watching “The Wall” up to twice in one day when I was like 13. Did I mention how influential Pink Floyd has been to me?

Here is a link to Jarre’s blogging site. And there’s certainly much more to watch in YouTube. Also, his personal website c’est ici

But more transcendental in my life is my burning obsession for the high altitude; for the mountains of the planet. The tallest the best. The Himalayas. And hand to hand goes my fascination for the cultures that inhabit such high lands; the Sherpas of Nepal, the Tibetans, and all the people that inhabit the different zones of this extensive mountain range that is easily seen from thousands of miles away from space. Once that said, there’s no need to say that the crown of such range is what causes on me to get out of bed every morning and do everything I do, including my research for my final project. Sagarmatha, Chomolongma, Mount Everest, The Goddess Mother of the Earth.Everest Moonlight

This is a shot that I got in March of 1999 while bivouacking on top of Gokyo Ri, a little sister of Everest of 18,000 ft. This is Mount Everest showing its greatness, illuminated by the full moon. Around it are Lhotse, Nuptse, and other surrounding mountains.


  Stacey Sotosky wrote @

This is the most beautiful image of Mount Everest, and to have photographed it yourself – spectacular!!

  tweaver wrote @

go see this>>
is local for the next few weeks

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